I need a miracle
I need to cry I need my tears to come down fresh I need them to be for this moment from this instant feeling I need them not to be expired I need them not to be from old memories I need them not to be from past attempts I need them to come down fresh I need them to come down warm I need them to come down warm to thaw the ice covering my heart I need them not to be cold to not shatter when it meets my burning soul I need them to come down fresh I need them flood and wash the hotness from my face I need them to come down fresh To wash the fears away I need them to come down fresh To wash the anger away I need them to come down fresh I need them to bring all the pain down I need them to come down fresh I need them to come down fresh Just once and then they could go away again I need them just once and they could never come back again I need them to come down fresh just once Once and never again Just once