Ugliness behind colours
A face with no specific features; coloured with paints to hide the real identity of ugliness. To see the true them, just obtain an eye contact with there evil eyes. They have the evil souls that where planted by the devil him self on earth. Their souls have nothing; but hate and jealousy.
Clowns are good in hiding what they really are by acting funny all the time. They could mislead humans to the right way of amusement. They are good in making humans believe that that fake laughter is true.
Seek inside their eyes and you will see dead children and destroyed countries. Seek deeper and you will see hell and souls burning in it. They have no language and no nationality and they share the same aim of demolish.
Related Memory:
I was 9 and was invited to Sara’s Birthday party (our British –Egyptian neighbor’s). I came a little late because my school was so far from our house. After entering their house I was shocked to see this ugly creature standing their doing his silly acts and those innocent children laughing at him. I sat behind all the kids to avoid being close to him. He looked at me and said: "Hey… you Pakistani girl" "I am not Pakistani I am from Kuwait" I replayed. "What’s your name?" he said. I started stammering while saying my name and then he started imitating me and children started to laugh at me, it was really embarrassing. I went and sat on the couch near Sara’s handicapped brother Sami; he looked at me and started tapping on my head, then he said in his heavy not clear words "You have a beautiful hair"; I smiled to him and went home before blowing Sara’s candles.
I never liked clowns... Always felt something not good & even horrible from them... I was afraid of a circus, when I was a child... I never could understand how people can like it...
Now I`m not afraid, but still don`t like it & don`t understand...
True Faith, You have just explained why I feel so. But Your experience was not good at all :(
hahahahaha tapping on your head!
T.N.C "Now I`m not afraid, but still don`t like it & don`t understand..." Same here.
Purgy Yes.. Tapping gently; it's his way of comforting me. What's funny about it?
What kinda clown is this!!
Stupid is the least to be said about him.
I myself liked them, but weather it was a circus clown or a class clown.. to make fun of someone else is just a lame ignorant act!
He needed a new act to add to his stupidity, unfortunately it was me.
I'm reading a million little pieces ^_^ Nice pictures!
Tears Welcome dear :)Happy to know it's not only me who feels that towards clowns :)
Photo Flow I read a review about it.. it seems to be a good book; will start reading it soon :)
And glad that you liked my photos :)
reminded me of tapping a watermelon
You're one weird guy!
that is what makes me purgatory
awww kesarty kha6ry bel story :*
When I read the first paragraph I thought you were talking about girls and makeup! @_@ Er.. nevermind.. Interesting story. Clowns remind me of Mc Donald's. :P
Purgy :)
Ra-1 :*
3baid Girls and makeup :/
Yeah, no offense but.. some girls (especially young) put on sooo much makeup on, that they look like clowns (or at least to me they do.)
"coloured with paints to hide the real identity of ugliness."
They use makeup to hide their (imaginary) imperfections.
"Their souls have nothing; but hate and jealousy."
They're naive and materialistic.
See what I mean? :/
la offence wa la shay.
I don't wear makeup my self yet never thought of it this way. I don't like it and think it's a physiologic problem yet not evil clowns.
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