Saturday, November 19, 2005

White and Black

A heart in a scientific point of view is not the source of emotions; it’s the brain, still I like to link emotions to the heart. A heart as I believe is white with a small black dot when a human is first created. The black dot is a combined of envy, hate, jealousy and evil; and this dot might grow according to the circumstances, environment, education, and life path. Which part will be stronger when two people meet each other; is what I have thought of a lot, I mean that if I meet "A" for example, I might like her from her smile or dislike her from her look; I might even avoid her after that for no reason, it’s like that my black part was stronger in that specific time or it might be that my white part has noticed her black part. And if both of our black parts have met; we might both have the same bad feelings toward each other. How can I control my self in such situations is to give the chance to my white part to meet A's white part, to seek for the goodness in her; and try as much as I could to give her white part enough time to begin searching for mine. I hope you all have a stronger white part in your hearts


At 11/19/2005 11:59:00 AM, Blogger Ra-1 said...

I think that sometimes u cant meet the white part of a person even after trying! somtimes u dont like the person at all, that u cannot see his\her good side!

At 11/19/2005 01:49:00 PM, Blogger 3baid said...

Hearts aren't just black and white; they have shades of grey. Sometimes people see things as good (for themselves) while it's bad for someone else and so there has to be some sort of compromise.

At 11/19/2005 01:53:00 PM, Blogger Purgatory said...

Are you watching starwars again?

At 11/19/2005 02:23:00 PM, Blogger Spontaneousnessity said...

it aaaaallll depends I say.. all depends..

At 11/19/2005 02:25:00 PM, Blogger True Faith said...

Ra-1 yeah like my boss.

3baid In this case it's your white part and their black part. Grey is a mixture of black and white; it's not a colour by it self.

Purgy I never watched starwars. Still I am Yoda :)

Sponty Sure it does.

At 11/19/2005 03:13:00 PM, Blogger True Faith said...

I am so in it these days :)

At 11/20/2005 12:54:00 PM, Blogger True Faith said...

It's our brain that controls our feelings and it’s us who control our brain hence it's us to be blamed.

I can't disagree with you in that.


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