Sunday, April 09, 2006

Broken Tongue (Making Friends)

Shakir was the first to approach her "Hi, would you be my friend?" "Yes" she replied in a tinny voice that was barely heard. She began to talk more often and respond to other kids yet not much to her teacher. The more she talked the more breath she lost, the more pain in her chest she got, and more words were blocked. She didn't like the feeling she had when finishing her talk and wanted to say her words again, in a proper way, but eventually she will get the same results. She still didn't care much and started making friends. She, Shakir and two girls made a group until one day one of the girls told her that she can't play with her anymore because her mother said if she keeps playing with her she will start talking funny, like her. The two girls left the group fearing to catch the habit; Shakir remained being her friend and didn't care about her funny talk. To get rid of the bad feeling she gets after each conversation, she started repeating her words to her self non-obviously; for her surprise they came out smoothly with no blocking. She started trying things that will stop her from blocking. Talking to her self worked, talking to the mirror worked, talking to her toys worked, talking to the pigeons out side her window worked, and talking to the words written in her parents books worked. She discovered then that only talking to humans didn't work. To be continued


At 4/09/2006 10:27:00 PM, Blogger Temetwir said...

please make the upcoming installment(s) longer

At 4/10/2006 08:54:00 PM, Blogger True Faith said...

Tem I will try my best to make it longer :)

Hibba I guess that's true :)

At 4/11/2006 01:30:00 PM, Blogger جنة الحواس said...

U have a nice writing style ..

Endemajt o 7arratny el mother ..

Ppl .. Ppl .. Ppl ..I just hate it when they harm others and change their lives this way .. With a single stupid arrogant attitude

At 4/11/2006 08:11:00 PM, Blogger True Faith said...

Broke Thank you for your sweet compliment :)

Dear you can't blame her mother for her concern, she was totally right by not letting her daughter play with the stammering girl; because some kids do catch the habit of stammering and it could develop and become permanent; but as little girl she thought is was not fair and felt abandoned; it's a tuff situation to judge.

P.S. I like the daisies in your profile photo :)

At 4/12/2006 09:59:00 AM, Blogger جنة الحواس said...

TF ..

Sa7 kalamech ..

But with what she did .. she implanted in the daughter's head the idea of staying away from ppl who have any kind of disorder

That's not the right thing 2 do ..

She could explain the whole situation to her in a nice simple way .. There is no need 2 break their freindship and hurt the other girl ...

As a worrying mother , she just had to indirectly warn her of immitating such a habit ..

Sorry 6awalt 3alech .. But ur story is meaningful and I had 2 elaborate on the situaion because it's important .

P.S : We had really nice daisies everywhere this spring ; specially in the far areas . They always remind me of u ;)


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