Dear Blog;
We’ve spent a whole year together, 159 current posts, 7 Draft posts, and much more of my happiness, anger, shame, guilt, love, smiles, laughter, joy, sadness, madness, confusion, and faith. All of those made me know that what I feel and think of could be said and listened to; it made me recognize that my voice could reach farther than my mind, soul and heart.
Dear Blog;
Before you existed in my life, I believed that I had good thoughts and always wanted to express them to others, I always wanted to share what I thought of with others and get reasonable replies on them. I always wanted to say what I really felt without the need to switch words or struggle to say the ones I want. I wanted to express my feelings and believes without people ridiculing me or calling me crazy.
Dear Blog;
I have discovered that my thoughts could be organized without an excel sheet. I now could know what was I thinking of months ago and how was my mood on a specific day.
Dear Blog;
Before you existed, I have never shouted my pain out. I have never said that it hurts when I stammer, and never showed my weakness. For those who knew me before it was a shock to know that I could be weak and would beg for tears. All what I have shown before you is a smiley, cold blooded and heartless person; a person that will never show what she really felt.
Dear Blog;
You made me discover that there are good people in this planet that will listen to me without judging me. Thank you for giving me the supportive and caring friends. I have discovered a new way of communication, a way that will never need my doddered tongue.
Dear Blog;
You made me seek deep inside me and discover that I have more than I know; I can do more than I believe I could. I have also discovered that some of my faiths are nothing but illusions and chasing them is a waste of time.
Dear Blog;
I am sorry if I loaded you with my frustration and anger; and sorry if I made you hurt anybody without you wanting to. I am sorry if I made someone never come back to read the posts in you because of some harsh words I wrote.
Dear Blog;
You made my fantasies become reality; you made my daisy talk, you made me fly, made my tongue fluent. You made me travel to another world like Judie Foster in Contact. You made me enter the drawings like Marry Poppins. And swim deep with the fishes like the little mermaid.
Dear Blog;
I have changed a lot since you entered my life. I have got rid of some of my bad habits that I have recognized because of you. I have reduced my coffee drinking. I spend more time with my family when I am at home instead of reading all the time or doing my puzzles. I write what ever I feel in your pages or in my dairy to diminish my frustration.
Dear Blog;
ما أذكر متى ما كنت بحياتي
Yours truly
True Faith