Random mania
CFA vs. Time management: 7 books to be finished before November (إي إنشاالله) and I have to attend a review course before the test which is on December. Another delay it will be. It’s my third delay now. Longest week ever: This week is the longest week ever; those hours have lost their sense; an hour is 200 minutes instead of 60. Please hours stop fooling around. Eid clothes: I usually buy my Eid clothes before Ramadan; but didn’t this time and really don’t want to go shopping during Ramadan. So it will be one store that I will go to, only one and will buy anything from there. Eid in Kuwait: Eid holidays to be spent in Kuwait. No way Gaining weight: My mother’s daily argument in Ramadan. This time I think she is right. I lost 4 KG from the beginning of Ramadan until yesterday. A new job: I have been thinking about it for sometime now. I am still young for a heart attack or to go to jail, because if I stay longer I will surely kill him. Ramadan is Food: What is it with Ramadan and food? I don’t get it. People are either eating or talking about food. I'm engaged: a rumor was spread between my friends that I was engaged. One of them text messaged me "Mabrook" and another one called and congratulated me, when telling them that this wasn’t true they seemed to be sure. I asked them who told them that and who was the lucky guy, but they refused to tell me and never called since (This happened two weeks ago). I have sent them a Ramadan sms but none replayed ???!!!
lol mabrook ;p
I bought my Eid clothes 2 weeks ago . It's my first time 2 buy them be4 ramadan ..fakkah .. Shopping during Ramadan sucks ..
I think your weight loss is related to yoru caffeine deprevation, and of course ra-1 (because she is the cause of many problems in this world, including maja3at elsudan)
Purg ...
LOL! eshdarrak :p
I know, am purgatory.
Ra-1; :P
Broke; Shopping sucks all the time.
Purgy; In pervious Ramdans I used to have late supper at 10:30 pm ... but this Ramadan all what I have is soup and salad at fotoor and then drink coffee, water, juice, coffee, chocolate milk, coffee, water, milk, coffee, coffee, water, coffee, coffee, coffee, water.
and YES Ra-1 is the cause of Katrina, Kashmir’s earthquake and Sudan starvation.
TF ... no! only Sudan :p
Eid in Kuwait... yeah, it is something horrible!
Ra-1; hahahaha :p
Bo ghazi; They don't celebrate it here ... I will fly away this Eid :)
Losing weight is what we've been talking about since Ramadhan began. TF, I can give some kilos, just let me know :p
ancient; if it will stop my mom from nagging; yes please :P
Coffee makes you lose weight, not gain.
A new job: I have been thinking about it for sometime now. I am still young for a heart attack or to go to jail, because if I stay longer I will surely kill him.
(loved this)
About the engagement. I hate that! And when you say its not true they think your just being secretive o tkhafeen min il3ain! Malait min these stupid mentalities.
I know I got a little too worked up.
i have to agree with you .. it takes forever to finish just 10 minutes !!
+ hehe ... atleast you're just engaged :P
wallah you're so right about the longest week ever!! =/
and LOL at the rumor
r.d.; Welcome :)
Do you think that they think that I am lying when I told them that it wasn't true?
Oh God!!!
Ray; Last week was really exhausting and felt like it will never end.
Nunu; Ok; then it weren’t just me thinking that :)
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