Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Soon it will be
No more waiting for my turn. It will be me who will act first.
Staying at my place waiting for the opportunities to come to me, is not a thing I am used to do. I was born to search for answers as I always did.
Soon I will start to search again and the opportunities will be built by me.
So wait and see that day will come, it is near and no farther.
I will step out of my boat very soon.
This picture has been taken by Sam Abell a national geographic photographer.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Bing Bang Bong
Stimulus in a weak body could cause an explosion in mood and way of thinking. Acting as I am these days may cause to my death … not really dieing as no more life or breathing. A death of another kind… feelings maybe. I have been thinking in the messiest way ever … I am reading three books together without concentrating. I have been watching the same movie for four days, which means in total of more than seven times. No night sleeps.. And morning sleeps means headaches. And today at work I refused any assignment given to me by my supervisor. My mood has been shifting …. Bing Bang Bong…. Like a bouncing ball. You know what … I think this isn’t bad at all.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Friday, July 22, 2005
Close my eyes
Search for me in my eyes Feel my sadness in my smile Surf in my feelings Use my tears when you cry Hate seeing me sad Close my eyes and open yours And when I cry … look at my tears falling on my cheeks … and enjoy my joy. Listen to my silence Talk my words Save your heart beats for me Make my happiness yours Close my eyes and open yours And when I stumble … listen to my words … And hear them float on your soul. Enjoy my madness Sense my anger Live my pain Kill my shame Close my eyes and open yours
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Islam Attack
I am a Muslim girl who loves her religion more than any thing in this world. I try to please my god as much as I could. I have been attacked by words by many people because of my way of understanding my religion and the way I deal with it and through it. I am a type that believes that our religion was never there to make our life harder, I believe that it is there to make us live happier and in peace of all kinds, peace with other people, religions and cultures. Acting as I am is what made me love my religion more and made many people not to be judgmental on Islam. I am a Muslim but not extreme. I love every body never minding what is his/her religion, nationality, believes. I believe that those things never stop people from dealing with each other as humans and that what they believe in is concerned by them and God only. But I will never accept it when my religion is attacked, mostly by Muslims their selves. What is happening by many ladies and men in judging others for doing things that is not accepted by them and assuming that it is forbidden and not accepting what I believe is a kind of an attack to my religion. I would accept it if it was an advice and not insisting that it is forbidden. I have my own opinions and believes. We may have the same religion still I take the “fatwa” that suites me. Another kind of attack is not smiling to me when seeing me, Yes Mr. & Mrs, when you saw me today and you were both staring at me, I smiled to you, and my smile was gorgeous and better than your grim faces, why didn’t you smile back? Oh you are religious so you don’t smile back ... No that is wrong, our prophet Mohammed (PBUH) Said: “تبسمك في وجه أخيك صدقه” London bombs, 9/11 attacks and other attacks happening around the world are all attacking Islam ... Yes you dumb heads, you are attacking your own religion. You are giving people around the world the wrong message about Islam. The religion of peace is now known as the religion of terrorism.
I am so strict to time, it means a lot to me. I used to get bothered when somebody is late when having an appointment with me, but not any more because they all do it. My friends are late all the time and I know that they will be late still I go on time and wait. When I have an appointment with some one I’ll be there 10-15 minutes before, never late, never on time, it must be before. I am used to that, it’s functioned in my mind, that being late means no respect. I had to visit my Doctor this week, my appointment was at 4:30 pm and I was there at 4:20 pm. I had to wait until 5:00 pm to be called. They do that to me all the time. When I interned his office I said: ''I have been waiting for more than 30 minutes''. The Doctor replied: ''Yes I know that, but no harm the nurse told me that you were enjoying your time reading''. I said: ''I was reading to not get bored and to not waste my time in waiting; I come 10 minutes before my appointment because I respect you and feel it is not appropriate to be late, and you make me wait for 30 minutes and sometimes more''. I will go to him again; well I did go to him yesterday and he made me wait.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
A special day
On 19th of July 2005 I woke up wishing that my family were here, I felt lonely and in need for them. It was my birthday it should be a special day but how without my family. I went to star bucks to buy my daily morning latte, and there was this Egyptian guy saying “Hi, how are you with this weather” I said “Great … give me my latte” … took it and went to office. When I entered my office I found those wonderful flowers and a cake with one candle … I was really surprised... And was wondering who might it be who sent me those ?… Well it was my parents… they are out of Kuwait but didn’t want me to feel lonely on my birthday. At lunch time Ra-1 came and gave me some wonderful gifts … they were great and I nearly cried when reading her card … Thank you Ra-1. I received some wonderful text messages from my sister, her fiance, her mother in law, her sister’s in law, Little big, my uncle, my Cousin in Berlin … But my sister’s text message was really special she sent me: “كل عام و إنتي بخير يا أحلى إخت بالدنيا .... أحبج يالغاليه” My mom called me like 12 times, she wanted to share every moment with me. After work I went to meet the sweet girl … I really enjoyed her company … her daughter was really cute … Talking with her was like talking to my self … Thank you Sweet Girl ... you really made my day special. Purgy wrote a special post for me … that really meant a lot … Thank you purg for every thing … you are a great guy with a big heart. Wass sent me a wonderful email … with wonderful words … Wass you are a great friend that I thank my god for having you in this planet. Bo-Ghazi, Hopeless poet sent me wonderful e cards ... thank you guys ... you don't know how happy I was when receiving them. Thank you to all of those who sent me emails and e cards and to those who commented and wished me a Happy birthday. Thanks to Allah and to all of those who made this day special for me. I Love you all.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Dark places are where I don’t want to be. I hate it when it’s dark it gives me the chills it brings scary thoughts to my mind. I hear voices and see things when it’s dark. I can’t sleep when the light is switched off.
Once the electricity was off in the beach house and I was in my room at that time. It was night and every body was out side swimming. Oh god I was really afraid and couldn’t call for help.
I know that most of you are laughing at me while reading this. Well every body has something that really scares him/her. So what is it that scares you the most?
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Summer Passion
This year’s passion is Lemon and Vanilla. A summer passion must be a mixture of Fruit and flower. I change my summer passion every summer, it makes me feel fresh and cool. Oh; you might ask me what is a Summer passion. Well it's my body care products :P
Friday, July 15, 2005
Hidden thoughts
The mind of a human is so complicated more than you could imagine. Every thing happened since before birth; every thing a human has seen, heard or done is saved in this mind. Most of that is hidden and never released until it’s time to; that time might not be a proper time, that memory might not be good to be remembered and those released thoughts might affect a human badly and change his/her life and never be the same person again. What made the hidden thoughts appear? How and why? Your mind might be yours but not always on your demand.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Specialization is a thing that we lack in Kuwait. You could see a guy who graduated from college as an engineer and now is an NLP trainer. Another one with a law degree that wants to be a financial analysis. An accountant that wants to be a teacher. What is wrong with people here? It’s not just few of them, it is the majority. Many people that I have met in the past two years are shifting from a career to another, they get bored from the first one so they take training courses in another one and suddenly they are experts in that. Specialization is a certain need; no development could exist with out it. This country needs more than people making money for them selves.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Ever After
Going to her room, seeing her sleeping in her bed. Knowing that after few months she will not be here anymore. Not in this room and not on that bed. She will not be living with us in the same house again. Yesterday she was officially engaged, she wore the ring with a glow in her eyes. I know my dear that he loves you, I know that he will take care of you and will do any thing to please you, He told me that and he said: ”Don’t worry, I love her more than you do ”. I hope that he does because he will not find a better wife than you. You are so pretty and clever; you have a great sense of humor. You are just perfect. Oh my dear and only sister ... live happily ever after.
Monday, July 11, 2005
Is it Humans?
Waking up in the morning; saying good morning to Daisy. Praying and asking Allah for his mercy. Singing with my terrible voice while doing my coffee; reading to my self loudly. Going out to feed the animals in Boodi’s little zoo and talking to them while doing that. And that is all without stammering. Only when it comes to humans I stammer. I think I should go live in another planet.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Tagged by Hibbalicious
Hibba tagged me to answer the coming ten questions. 1. What does 'love' mean to you? To me love is preference, respect and sacrifice. 2. What does 'marriage' mean to you? I could say that it is a healthy relationship, the beginning of love and a social firm that could help in building or damaging the community according to how it's managed. 3. Do you believe in 'love at first sight? Not at all … It could be liking but not Loving. 4. How many children would you like? I love those creatures …. I would like to have three … two girls and one boy. 5. If given the opportunity, what is that one song you would sing for me on wedding day? E’7talafna for Mohammed Abdu. 6. What is your favorite holiday destination? Istanbul ... Singapore 7. What are three qualities you would look for in man? * As a Muslim girl I only could marry a Muslim guy ... And as for me I will only marry a real Muslim... Not extreme ... He must pray , don't drink and spends his money in Halal. * Respect. * Ambitious 8. What are the three qualities and three bad habits that you have? Qualities : * I don’t like shopping …. I think it’s a quality. * A good listener. * I smile a lot :) Bad Habits : * Don’t like sitting with people for long times … If they are more than three. * Bad Communication skills. * Day dream a lot …. 9. Did you have any previous relationships? I was engaged once, but not any more. 10. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time? In England :) Working as a financial analysis in an Investment company. Owning a wonderful house in Cricklewood, North London. I am tagging Purg Blossom Tequila69 M Sarpanch (New post for you)
Saturday, July 09, 2005
A letter to Ra-1
Ra-1 My dearest friend; I am sorry about your Buffy's death I have been trying to call you since this morning but with no reponse. Your mother told me that you haven't got out of your room since that happened. Please Ra-1 don't do that to your self.
7.7 To be remembered
Sadness, depression and sympathy were my feelings on Thursday. The day when London was attacked by barbarian people, with ugly hearts and damaged souls. On that day London proved to them that no matter what they do to stop there progress in all fields it’s them the losers not England.
We all know that the loss of humans could not be recovered and the pain of there loved ones will never recover. But in the Economic side and in only few hours the stock market had raised again to recover some of its loss.
God bless England.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Different Still Like
Listen to other views and accept people as they are. Being different may be better than being alike. We are different in minds, personalities and thoughts. Different does not mean opposite it might mean complementation. We are Humans from different back grounds and that what makes the world better. You may be different but I still like you.
Monday, July 04, 2005
Tagged By Ancient
Number of books I Read: Well lets see here …. Is it since I was born? … When I was a little kid I used to read 2-3 books a day …. As a teenager I used to read 2-4 books a week … in college 2 books a month … now 2-5 books a month most of them in my mager. So count them your self :P Last book I read: It wasn’t a book …. It was some articles about stuttering. Books that mean a lot to me: 1.ثلاثة من أعلام الحرية by قدري قلعجي : the story of سعد زغلول, جمال الدين الأفغاني و محمد عبده. 2. Uderstanding and controlling Stuttering by William D.Parry: This book helped me alot in understanding my situation from all sides. 3. Mandela by Anthony Sampson. 4. هذا الحبيب by أبي بكر الجزائري: The story of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). 5. Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. 6. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. The book I am reading since long but could not finish: Jack welch Speaks by Janet Lowe .... It is the most boring book I have ever read, I tried to read it three times Still didn't make it to the middle. So I Ordered Jack: Straight from the Guts by Jack Welch (him self), John A. Byrne to read instead. I am currently reading: Management NOT MBAs by Henry Mitzberg. I am tagging: Bo Ghazi 7amee eldyar رحال Hopelesspoet Al Sarpanch (You have a blog now) Valiant Contender
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Fourth Order
The thoughts of a human are functioned in his/her mind and from that point it will go through its vessels to reach the point of language and spoken words. Other vessels will take them to a separation center that has the job of taking every function to its proper place as it is ordered. Words should be taken to the tongue and the vessels of the tongue should do its job of asking the muscles of the tongue to release the words. And a second order goes to the muscles of the larynx to release the voice. A third order goes to the muscles of the lungs to release the air so it goes through the larynx.
And all of three orders should be placed in the same time.
What really crossed my mind when reading such things nearly every day is ….
Why there isn’t a fourth order for people to Shut up and listen until I finish talking?