Monday, August 29, 2005

Don't try this at home

I was drinking a cup of coffee when suddenly I choked; the coffee went through the trachea instead of going through the pharynx and from there to my lungs I guess. What was amazing in that is after coughing and getting my breathing to normal again I had this wonderful feeling of coffee when breathing, I can smell it very strongly like if I was breathing coffee instead of air. A wonderful choke it was.


At 8/29/2005 11:55:00 AM, Blogger Hopeless Poet said...

Hamdillah 3ala el salamah and don't let the smell cheat you :P

At 8/29/2005 12:20:00 PM, Blogger جنة الحواس said...

OMG ..Do u LOVE coffe that much !

I'm astonished by the way u looked at it .. Ma sha'allah 3alech :)

U know a choke always terrifies me .. specially when it happens 2 kids ... :/

At 8/29/2005 01:17:00 PM, Blogger True Faith said...

HP; Allah ysalmek :)

Broke; Who me? la 7asha ma a7ebbah :P

T69; I know what you are thinking of ... but please don't try it; it could kill you :P

At 8/29/2005 02:25:00 PM, Blogger Purgatory said...

salamaat ma etshofeeen shar

At 8/29/2005 05:05:00 PM, Blogger Nunu-San said...

OH MY GOD!! That is my 1st time that I see someone happy about choking!!! You call a choke wonderful??!!!!!!
Salamtich inshallah matshoofeen shar ;*

At 8/29/2005 05:39:00 PM, Blogger E3younAlbak said...

be careful!! al7amdulillah that it wasn't serious... but i have to say my favorite part was

"I had this wonderful feeling of coffee when breathing, I can smell it very strongly like if I was breathing coffee instead of air."

At 8/29/2005 07:26:00 PM, Blogger bo_ghazi said...

I onec suffered the same but while smoking!!

salamat :)

At 8/29/2005 08:37:00 PM, Blogger Hope said...

salamat 7abeebti!

I told you to quit the coffee!

At 8/29/2005 08:48:00 PM, Blogger True Faith said...

Nunu; Mashkora 7ayati :*

E3younalbak; welcome; it wasn't serious ... and for that part it was what I felt :)

Bo ghazi; Allah ysalmek :)
how to choke when smoking? isn't it a choke it self.

Hope; I can't 7abebti I can't :)

At 8/29/2005 11:22:00 PM, Blogger Spontaneousnessity said...

Oh Gosh!!!
you ok? I hate to choke it always ends up nasty :(

At 8/30/2005 08:32:00 AM, Blogger True Faith said...

sponty; thank you sweetie... I am fine :)

Shopa; NO :p

At 8/31/2005 10:41:00 AM, Blogger True Faith said...

Sarpanch; I didn't choke my self.


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