Sunday, January 29, 2006

"Tomorrow" I love you

My future is a dream; every single step of my future is a dream by it self, I have thought of all what will happen, nothing I have missed. This year, next year, the year after, and after, and after. All in papers and mind all ready to take a role in reality.It will be a great show; many countries, cultures, smiley faces, tons of tears and laughter, music, dances, many Everests will be climbed, many walls will be knocked down, snow and sun; thunder and rain, beaches and forests, planes, ships, trains, horses, seagulls. I have many scenarios for how things will happen. I really wish that my future will be something different than all my scenarios; something much better. I love tomorrow. Tomorrow is my favourite day. It’s hope, it’s future, it’s the unknown. Life is always about what’s going to happen tomorrow. Tomorrow is what I could make. Tomorrow is the day with no regret because it’s never here. Tomorrow is “my dreams coming true”.


At 1/30/2006 07:40:00 AM, Blogger The Stallion said...

Nice out look on life and on "tomorrow"! ;o)

At 1/30/2006 09:33:00 AM, Blogger DareDevil said...

nice post :)

At 1/30/2006 11:47:00 AM, Blogger Ra-1 said...

tomorrow, tomorrow, I love u tomorrow :p

At 1/30/2006 12:53:00 PM, Blogger Sever said...

I understand that this post must sound positive, but for me it`s still sad some...

Every Tomorrow leaves without changing my life... & there are less TomorrowS with every new day... & still nothing happenes.
I have less & less time for my plans.

Ok ok... I must think only about good things :)

At 1/30/2006 01:29:00 PM, Blogger جنة الحواس said...

I enjoyed ur shiny words . It's really releaving to look at our future with such a bright look .

At 1/30/2006 08:14:00 PM, Blogger طائر بلا وطن said...

مشكورة وايد

هذا فعلا اللي نحتاجه

At 2/01/2006 03:52:00 PM, Blogger نون النساء said...


أيضاً مجهول..

يحتمل السعادة والحزن على حد سواء..


لكن أن ننظر إليه بإبتسامه

يساعدنا جداً إذا ما حصل

شيء لا نتوقعه


وكل يوم وانتي أسعد

وأكثر تحقيق لجزيئيات أحلامج





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